Being Drunk Pros VS Cons!

9:19 PM

Hello again!

I am 26 years old. I've been drinking here and there for many years so I've had a decent amount of experience with alcohol. I've had good experiences and bad ones. This blog is to highlight the pros and cons of drinking & being drunk!

I hope that if you're reading this - you are over 21 years of age. I can't deny that we've all had those slip ups of doing things underage but I strongly urge that you be responsible and wait until you're 21 to make  the decisions required under the influence of alcohol. IF you do drink underage, PLEASE DO NOT get into a car with friends or strangers. I don't care how mad your parents will be, please have them come pick you up. I'm sure they'd rather pick you up and have you come home alive than to get a phone call from the police in the early morning finding out that you died.

When I was in high school - 4 of the students of my graduating class died. 2 from cocaine overdoses and the other 2 from alcoholic driving. No matter how high or drunk you may be, no matter HOW MUCH trouble you might be... it it not worth letting someone in that car be the one that gets you killed. Think of all of the things you want to do in life. Is it really worth it? I'm drunk right now as I type this...  I would NEVER DRIVE how I'm feeling right now. I wouldn't even get into a car, based on how I'm feeling right now. I don't even care if the driver is sober. I can't trust myself, so how can I trust someone else? Check yourself, before your end yourself.

Okay... now that the PSA is done with, let's get onto the blog!
So being drunk  has its pros and cons.

Let's start with the pros!


1) Alcohol tastes good. Not every alcohol tastes good, but when you eventually develop a taste for alcohol - you begin to recognize what you can handle, what you enjoy, and what tastes good.

2) It peels you away from reality. I'm not saying that you should rely on alcohol to avoid your problems. Definitely don't do that, because once you sober up, plot twist... your problems are still there! Instead, I personally like to use it to enhance video games, music, and just relaxing on weekend! If you're feeling uptight or stressed, alcohol can totally release you temporarily from that  but eventually you're going to have to face things head on and just GROW SOME BALLS AND DO IT!

3) Entertainment is 10x when alcohol is involved. Whether you're casually drinking beer, mixed drinks, or throwing down shots... alcohol makes anything a fun time. Parties, gambling, horse racing, video games, music, sex, etc... whatever it is that you enjoy doing with your time, I guarantee alcohol will make  something in your life  SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!

4) I'm an introvert, and if you're anything like me it's hard to become the life of the party. However, when alcohol is involved, I'm not going to lie... my insecurities fade away. I become the person I want to be. I think of my dreams. I think of so many philosophical things and ideas. I take risks and try new things and I have SOOO much fun under the influence. But I also have a super cautious  side to me. Despite being tipsy or drunk, I always play Mama in situations because I feel like it's my duty to watch over my friends and/or the people around me. I'm really in tune with my surroundings, emotions, feelings, desires, etc... I mostly drink at home, but when I'm around friends and/or in public, I am extremely careful to the point where my other drunk friends get really annoyed. But when they sober up, they know I'm just watch out for them!!

5) Another pro of alcohol is that it releases creative blocks. If  you're an artist like me, sometimes you just feel empty because you want to create something but everything that comes to mind is just bad or not amusing. However, alcohol (at least for me) helps inspire! It makes me re-invent ideas that I previously discarded into something new and exciting that sober me can follow and enjoy as well!

6) Alcohol can make sex better. So I'm not the most sexual person in the world if you've read my previous blogs from a few years back. To any new readers, I could go the rest of my life without having actual sex and I would be okay. Masturbating is kind of a regular thing, but I could live without actual sex/oral and not blink an eye. In fact,  I could probably not masturbate for the rest of my life and not give a shit either. But alcohol can make sex so much better. It makes sex last longer, it makes you want to do things you normally are too shy for/aren't interested in, and it can make you less sensitive to things.


1) Alcohol tastes like shit. Unless you spend a pretty penny on alcohol, alcohol tends to taste like shit. But if the goal is to get drunk then who cares? I personally chase my shots with soda, or I make mixed drinks. There are a couple liquors that I can drink straight no chaser but most I do chase. Honestly, drinking isn't a competition. It's all about feeling good, having fun, and being save so please don't pressure people into things & don't bully them if they can't perform the way you do. If you are one of those people, fuck you, choke on a dick. :)

2) It sucks how we have to rely on  outside forces to blossom portions of our personalities. I feel like people should accept you when you're sober. BUT if you have a desire but an insecurity gets in the way of that, and alcohol allows you to bypass that... then go for it! However, some people feel like they're deceived when someone acts one way under the influence, but acts another way when sober. Honestly, the only thing I can say is if you meet someone who isn't sober,  don't believe them 100%. Alcohol can have a strong impact on people both positively and negatively. You need to use your judgment to make decisions based off of what you know and what you don't know. And this can be hard if you are also under the influence. Everyone reacts differently to alcohol. So in any scenario please be careful!

3) I don't know about you, but listening to music, dancing, talking, etc... is magnified when alcohol is involved. I feel like alcohol provides me the same kind of high/effect that ecstasy provides clubbers. All of my senses are intense yet at the same time, slowed. It's like life and everything is slow motion. But at the same time, it still makes me sad that outside forces are typically required to create these enhanced feelings and experiences. Once again, I feel like it's important that you recognize that you're under the influence and what you're feeling isn't a TRUE reality. Please be careful. Do not accept drinks from strangers, or gum, or candy, or pills, or anything. If you put your drink down to use the bathroom, please just get another or buy another. I don't want you to get roofied  or anything bad so please be safe!

4) As I mentioned earlier, alcohol and bring out a side of us that you wouldn't see when we're sober. Sometimes it can be good and other times it can be bad. We're all capable of both options. It sucks if you get to know someone frequently when under the influence of alcohol. You begin to develop a relationship with that side of them. Or maybe you develop a  relationship with the side of them that is sober and the drunk version is the total opposite/unattractive portion. Every situation is different. But I can say that it sucks when you see qualities in a person and the sober/drunk version of them can't amount up to that.... so it's not as entertaining or enjoyable!

Side note:  I'm so tipsy/drunk that everything I'm typing is doubles. I'm trying SOOOO hard to not make any typos.

5) Even though I said a pro of alcohol is relieving you of creative blocks, sometimes it actually creates creative blocks. Sometimes alcohol makes you focus on ONE thing only and other  times it makes you focus on absolutely nothing. I think it really depends on who you are, how you react to alcohol, what kind you drink, and how much of it you drink. But all I can say is I'm so glad that alcohol inspires me. For those of you who become empty/depressed under the influence of alcohol, I strongly suggest you just stop and stick to being sober!

6) The downside to alcohol in terms of sex is if you sober up before your partner. They want to keep fucking you and all you want to do is to go to sleep. But alcohol makes sex longer, so it takes them longer to want to ejaculate and if you're sober, you're just completely drained and miserable. Likewise, if you're super horny and your partner is completely sober and drained, it's not as fun. So timing is kind of important on this one. You both need to be in a similar place for the experience to be good. Cuz like I said sex lasts longer when alcohol is involved, most of the time. Some guys/girls lose interest in sex from alcohol while others gain interest. I think it all boils down to you on a individual basis and how much you've had to drink.

Everything in this blog is based off of my own opinion and experience.
Let me know down in the comments how "alcohol" affects you positively & negatively :)

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